Coins we buy:

Dragon Phoenix

Panda Gold

Discovery Inventions

Unicorn Gold

Peacock Coins

Year of the Child

Panda Silver

© Copyright 1998-2016
Clark Smith

We are your top buyer of Chinese and world coins. Please feel free to ask any questions about your coins and sets. If you have a substantial amount of rare coins, we can travel to you! Call us at 415-457-1371.

China 1993 Peacock Gold & Silver Coins
10 Yuan / 50 Yuan red box, 2 coin set
50 Yuan (5 ounce Silver)
100 Yuan (1 ounce Gold)
500 Yuan (5 ounce Gold)

Paying from $4,000 to $70,000 and up

China 1994 1995 1996 Unicorn Gold Coins
All sets of Gold & Silver purchased
50 Yuan (1/2 ounce Gold)
100 Yuan (1 ounce Silver)
500 Yuan (5 ounce Gold)

Paying from $2,000 to $50,000 and up

Call Clark Smith at 1-415-457-1371, or email us at